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What is herpangina?

Herpangina is a common childhood illness caused by a virus. It’s characterized by small, blister-like ulcers on the roof of the mouth and in the back of the throat. The infection may also cause a sudden fever, sore throat, headache, and neck pain.

The illness is similar to hand, foot, and mouth disease, another type of viral infection that commonly affects children. Both conditions are caused by enteroviruses.

Enteroviruses are a group of viruses that typically affect the gastrointestinal tract but sometimes spread to other parts of the body. Normally, the body’s immune system produces antibodies to fight off infection.

Antibodies are proteins that recognize and destroy harmful substances, such as viruses and bacteria. However, infants and young children are less likely to have the appropriate antibodies because they haven’t developed them yet. This makes them more susceptible to enteroviruses.

What are the symptoms of herpangina?

Symptoms of herpangina typically show up two to five days after you’ve been exposed to the virus. The symptoms of herpangina vary from person to person, but can include:
sudden onset of fever
sore throat
neck pain
swollen lymph glands
difficulty in swallowing
loss of appetite
drooling (in infants)
vomiting (in infants)

Small ulcers in the back of the mouth and throat begin to appear about two days after the initial infection. They tend to be light gray and often have a red border. The ulcers usually heal within seven days.

After a child gets herpangina, they usually develop a natural immunity to the virus that caused it. However, they may still be affected by other viral strains that can cause the illness.

Who is at risk for herpangina?

Herpangina can affect anyone, but it most commonly occurs in children between ages 3 and 10. It’s particularly common in children who attend school, childcare facilities, or camps. In the United States, the risk of developing herpangina is higher during the summer and fall.
